Hybrids Events and Virtual Events seem to be the temporary solution for the current situation of the events industry. In this article we will focus on the the Impact of digital events in all shapes.
The biggest events worldwide adopted this format and many tools and applications are competing for the big prize and hope to become the leader technology for this industry.
New professional profiles are arising, such as the digital event manager and the whole sector is brainstorming in order to find the solution so we can still attend and enjoy events. Many event profs are sharing their opinions and participate in debates on the different sides of these circumstances and current evolution of the industry.
One thing is certain: Big cities and capitals have been the early adopters of the new formats, tools and technologies, while the leisure destinations are still deciding on the most suitable options.
Incentive travel and leisure are features that make this decision somehow more complex.

The hybrid format and virtual events are easier to consider when talking about a conference, congress, product launch or workshop. However, when trying to reward your guests and make them spend an unforgettable time, the technology comes short.
On the other hand, teambuilding activities and other type of networking may become sterile and not achieve their social aim between the participants.
In this other article you can read about our reflection on Incentive Travel
Challenges on both sides
Challenges are shared both on the event planners side as well as on the suppliers side, as the breakeven point and profitability of the services is changing a lot, the timings required by the new health and safety measures in places are longer and the safety perception of the companies and even guests is still very fragile.
